Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary by Jeff Kinney

Have you ever wondered how a movie was made? Well in this book, The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary  you can learn all about how Diary of a Wimpy Kid books got made into a movie. Learn about the characters and their life and all about the sets and costumes that were made. Also inside are photographs, script pages and more!

This is a good book! I read this, and I have not seen the movie yet so it was like a sneak peek to the movie. I learned so much about how a movie works and it seems like a lot of work! Ever since I read this book I see movies a little differently. They give so much detail about what the actors had to do and how every little thing counts. They showed pictures of all Greg's family members in the movie and their houses. I liked how in the book they also talked about things they cut or new things they added to the movie that weren't in the book. Jeff Kinney also added his drawings into the book. I liked the mix of real pictures and drawings. I think this is good book weather you read it before or after you see the movie.

1 comment:

  1. ummmmm i can prob get u some books from my school just write mr.h a note ill give it to him
